Sunday, 26 June 2011

Volunteers Wanted For Nottingham Castle Wollaton Hall and Newstead Abbey

Photo courtesy of My Nottingham 
2011 is the European Year of Volunteering and Nottingham County Council is seeking volunteers to help at museums and galleries around the city.

Two induction days are to be held on the 16th and 17th July at Wollaton Hall to introduce potential volunteers to the roles available. Advance booking is essential for the induction days and places can be booked by contacting Jenna Stevens on 0115 876 2205.

Volunteers are needed at Nottingham Castle, Wollaton Hall, Newstead Abbey, Brewhouse Yard and Green's Windmill and local people are encouraged to use their spare time to gain new skills and meet new people whilst supporting Nottingham's rich local industrial and cultural heritage. Volunteers will be provided with full training, travel expenses will be covered and there are opportunities to work both with the public and behind the scenes.

More details can be found on the Nottingham City Council website

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